When you own a business or property, you focus on running it and making your customers or clients satisfied. You do not want the extra stress of worrying about security issues, dealing with break-ins, vandalism, or having your customers feel scared to come to your premises. Hiring security services could be ideal for your business. Armed security guards ensure that your business is free from criminal activity. Additionally, hiring these professional services assures your partners and customers of their safety when visiting the business.
If you are worried that the police could take long before coming to your aid during an emergency at your premises and you could suffer losses, you want to hire armed security services. Hiring professionally trained guards is critical in dealing with high-risk situations and providing you with the peace of mind you need. Some of the ways through which armed guards provide peace of mind at your business, event, or premises include:
High Level of Training and Experience
You have more peace in your business or property when you know that your security personnel is adequately trained to secure your asset and people coming around. Before reporting to your business, the State requires that the security guards be adequately trained. Some training courses may be better than others. However, it is important to understand that all instructors perform the training with standardized state requirements.
Additionally, it is important to understand that while some guards have some police training or required officers, armed guards are not police officers. Their work is to deter crime and take action before the police arrive. Some of the common areas of training that armed security guards undergo and may be helpful for your business or property include:
Legal training. While performing their duties, armed security guards must obey the state laws. In California, an armed security guard has a right to restrain an individual caught in criminal activity and hold them while they wait for the police officers to arrive. The legal training for security guards addresses the scope of power for the security guard. Also, the training guides the guards on how you can avoid violating the suspect’s rights. With this level of training, you will not need to worry about answering criminal charges for a violation of another person’s rights by your staff.
Detaining suspects. Sometimes, an armed guard may need to apprehend the suspect and remove them from your premises. Legally, the guards are expected to use only necessary force to protect themselves and others. Training programs for these guards cover the safety measures taken when detaining the suspects to avoid putting others at risk.
Firearm training. Armed security guards are legally allowed to carry and use firearms when necessary. When you hire armed guards, you will be safe and more at ease to know that they are adequately trained to use the firearms. Additionally, the guards must possess a state-issued firearms permit. Additionally, the training will help the guards learn the situation, which can prompt them to pull out a firearm. This helps avoid unnecessary injuries.
First aid. Sometimes, armed guards are trained to perform basic first aid. This could help ensure that they not only protect other people from injuries but can also help injured individuals when needed.
Higher Sense of Security
Having armed security guards at your company or apartment complex will make a robber think twice before attempting to rob you or cause trouble at your business premise. Especially when dealing with large amounts of money expensive merchandise, you will have more peace knowing that your security personnel has all the resources needed to stop criminal activity.
While your business or home may be equipped with several cameras, you may need to contact police officers when there is an increased risk, or armed robbers attack you. Various ways these guards provide a heightened sense of security include:
Stop Trouble Before it Begins
When you hire armed security guards, you can be ahead of the trouble before it erupts. Stopping troublesome situations before they can impact your business helps maintain a good reputation for your business. If anyone attempts to break into your facility to vandalize or steal your property, they may need to research more about your business for easy access.
On learning that you have armed guard services, the robbers may cancel the pans of entering into your business. Many people know that armed guards are authorized to carry firearms and will rarely risk their lives knowing that the likelihood of injury or death is high. This sends trouble elsewhere and ensures that the individuals at the business feel safer.
Keep the Staff and Residents Safe
Keeping your workers and residents at your business or property safe is one of the most important things you must do as a property owner. Whether you want to keep the people safe from a natural disaster, accident, or terrorist attack, you must employ the necessary measures to ensure safety.
By hiring the armed guard service, you assure the workers and the customers frequenting the business that you are concerned about their safety and overall well-being. Every person wants to live in a safe place where they can bring up their families without fearing chaotic and criminal activity. If you own residential property, hiring an armed guard ensures that the families and children living on the property can live a fulfilling life and carry on with their lives worry-free.
Although you can call the police in case of a threat, they may take a while to arrive. The armed guards are trained to supplement law enforcement officers. They carry weapons that can calm the incident or even restrain the intruder before the police officers arrive.
Protect your Money and Assets
An important reason to hire security services for your business or home is to protect your assets and money. Loss of money or valuable assets could pull your business down and deter growth. Both armed and unarmed guards can keep your business safe. However, when you have huge sums of money or expensive assets on your property, you will feel safer with armed guards around as part of your staff. When you have something more than valuables or money, you may fail to relieve the length to which other people would go to access it.
Sometimes, you may not have many assets but the information stored in the business id s extremely valuable to its growth. Any attempt at vandalism or theft could result in this data loss. When you have armed security guards, it will be difficult for anyone attempting to enter your business and even more difficult to leave with your valuables.
Protect Your Special Guests
There are times when special guests visit your business. Additionally, you may be holding an event where dignitaries are invited. While unarmed guards can help maintain order and notify authorizes of potential criminal activity, you do not want to risk the reputation of your business by having an important person suffer an attack in your business. You will not need extra help in an emergency by hiring armed security guards.
If you own or operate a high-end residential property, you want your residents to feel safe. You do not want to inconvenience these individuals by having them run-in with fans or other individuals that could have an issue with them.
Extensive Background Checks
Every armed guard you hire for your business or property has undergone extensive background checking. Reputable security companies will put their potential officers through a background check to ensure they do not have a criminal history. This gives you peace of mind knowing that the individuals to whom you entrust the security of your business are not convicted criminals.
Most armed guards are employees of a professional security company. A background check is when an employer looks into a potential employee and confirms the information they provide. Most employers will carry out background checks to ensure that they make the best hiring decisions.
In addition to confirming the education credentials and testing their skills, security companies will look into the criminal background of their guards. The role of an armed guard is of trust, and an individual with an extensive criminal record may not be deemed trustworthy. Background checks for criminal records look into all the arrests and convictions.
While a criminal conviction will not disqualify the individuals from securing a job as an armed guard, it may be detrimental to the chances of securing employment. The security companies will consider the outcomes of rehabilitation for a prior conviction. This will ensure that the people they send to your business provide the required services and do not pose an additional threat.
Improved Surveillance
Armed guards are more vigilant to potentially distressful or criminal activities. Security guards have several roles, including monitoring the security cameras to help pot crime respond to it. Many security guards are ex-military officers who have returned from the force in America. With such a background d and additional armed guard training, you have more confidence in your team.
Most military veterans can perfectly transition to other careers, with the leading one being security. Some of the ways through which the ex-military armed guards help your business and give you peace of mind include:
Technology talent. As we enter the 21st century, the security sector has more technical assignments. The armed guards who are retired veterans are likely to have extensive experience in video analysis and biometric technologies.
Trained for success. Veterans often understand and appreciate the importance of training and crave continued learning. This means that they will welcome training for any advancements in the sector and ensure that they provide top-notch services for your business.
Adaptability. Changes and challenges are a common occurrence in the security sector. Security staff is expected to adapt quickly to these changes and continue providing security services. The military personnel who transition to armed guards are trained to adapt to difficult situations and evolving circumstances quickly. When the security needs of your business change, they can quickly move from one task to another, which improves the efficiency of your business or property.
Dependability. A quality security team must be available when you need them to perform their duties. In addition to the training done to become an armed security guard, military personnel is reliable to complete their jobs as required and be there when needed.
Prompt Response to Criminal Activities
Although you may have policies in your business where you deal with crime by calling the police and waiting for them to arrive, this may not always be the best option. When a crime occurs around or in your building, you want to ensure that the issue is dealt with quickly and efficiently. When you hire armed guards, you have more peace of mind knowing that they can respond to criminal threats without needing to wait for police officers.
In the absence of armed guards, the unarmed guards lack the skills and resources required to handle dangerous situations. Therefore, you may have to sit and watch as the criminal activities play out while waiting for the police. In this case, people could feel unsafe and threatened.
Armed Guards are a First Line of Defense
Keeping your business safe is an important aspect of providing the right customer service and ensuring the continued growth of the business. When people visit your property or your business, they do not expect to be put in dangerous situations where they have to run for their lives or defend themselves.
Armed guard services are a great supplement to law enforcement officers. In the event of an invasion, distress, or robbery, these guards know the right action to take to apprehend the culprits while ensuring your safety and that of other individuals. Like bodyguards, armed guards are the first defense line that prevents emotional, financial, and emotional loss.
When you hire an armed guard, they become part of your business. This means that they are familiar with your business environment, and when a situation arises, they are in a better position to help when compared to police officers. Both armed and unarmed guards play a significant role in ensuring order and security. However, armed guards are more advantageous in dealing with all crime levels.
In addition to their skills, the armed guards have valuable resources like firearms and the training to use them to protect people and property in your business.
Provision of Top-notch Customer Service
In addition to training on safeguarding our property and preventing crime, armed guards undergo extensive training on how to behave while on the job. While you hire security services to ensure the safety of your business, you do not want them to cause discomfort for your customers. The armed guards are trained to provide good customer service and treat all individuals with respect, even when they are suspected criminals. If you decide to move your business entirely with an armed guard service, they will deal with petty crimes and serious safety threats.
The guards understand how to treat each threat category without causing unnecessary alarm with their skills and training. This makes the guards more approachable, and the customers or workers can walk up to them and inform them of suspicious activities.
Some armed security guards are trained in various emergency medical techniques like CPR. In this case, the guards will not only be providing peace of mind but also saving lives and helping police officer perform their duties.
Boosting Confidence in an Inner City Location
Owning a business in the inner city is very advantageous. However, some areas of the inner city are more prone to criminal activity than others. Especially at night when crimes like robbery and vandalism occur, it can be challenging to attract customers. If your business is open during the late hours of the night, your employees and customers may be at risk of becoming victims. Shopping is supposed to be a wonderful experience and your customers do not want to feel unsafe.
Hiring armed guards will boost customer confidence in your inner city and store location. Your customers and employees will see your efforts to stop crime and the criminals will be fearful to bring chaos or attempt crime in the location.
Find Reliable Los Angeles Security Services Near Me
Running a successful business requires you to ensure the safety of your customers and clients. Ensuring the safety of the business and individuals who frequent it is an important aspect of growing the business and building trust with your target group of customers. You cannot afford to carry out your daily activities without security to protect your assets from theft, vandalism, and discourage other criminal activities in the business.
Security is an important aspect of your business, and you cannot take any risks. Therefore, it is important to ensure that you have hired a reliable security company for these services. At Green Knight Security, we understand how poor security could impact your business. Our well-trained and experienced guards will provide the peace of mind you seek as you hire security services. If you or your business are interested in heightening your security by hiring armed guard services in Los Angeles, CA, you will need us. Contact us today at 844-457-8326.